Tuesday, October 27, 2009


What makes you happy?

How can a person be happy when the meaning of happiness changes from day to day?

Today, being healthy could make me happy. Tomorrow, I may be healthy but broke.
Will having money make me happy the following day?

If you change your mind about what makes you happy more than you change underpants, (and I hope you do at least once a week), what makes you think you will find happiness at all?

The search for excitement in life can only last so long, and is gone quicker than it took to find it.

I'm a bore, living a simple, dull, repetitive life.

Go look for your happiness in hopes of finding it in the near future.

I'll stick to my daily happy moments that pull me through the day.

You be the Brain, I'll be Pinky.



  1. i liked Pinky better anyways. *narf*

  2. wow, that makes happiness seem so impossible. I think i'm even more depressed lol. I hope you find happiness. <3


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